
Sacred Ordinary - I finally found a way to explain what it means to me: "It is forged in the daily and tempered in the ordinary. It is a slow and steady and deliberate gathering of the years. It is a combination of keen attentiveness—to God, to self, to others, to life—and holy indifference—to trifles, to insults, to useless distractions. It is planned, not in some goose-stepping mechanical way, but in the sense that it builds on a resolve to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of you, and to take every though captive and make it obedient to Christ."
- Stephen A. Macchia

2016 I have chosen to live in light of ETERNITY. "He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." Matthew 10:39 KJV I want my little life that I have been given to be a testimony for the blood that was shed for me on Calvary's cross.

This year and for the years to come, it is about surrendering to God and giving my family and those I meet along the way, JESUS! I am going to let my light shine. LIFE is SHORT! We do not know when we will die. Each day we need to make the most of the time that we have, for it may be our last. AS FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST, all of us should live each moment in light of eternity.

The decisions we make in this life determine where and how we will spend the next. We should, therefore, make certain that the right decisions are made.

The final states are fixed, there is no second chance. Finally, we should have heaven constantly on our mind so as to have an impact in this world. (Especially our family)

I want to leave an Eternal Legacy. Living in light of Eternity causes us to focus on what is truly important. It is not about the furniture we own, the clothes we wear, the places we want to travel or even the church we attend. IT IS ALL ABOUT SOULS and if they KNOW JESUS PERSONALLY.

Lord, remind us just how brief our time here on earth will be. Our days are numbered, our life is fleeting. Each of us is just a vapor, a breath. Are we living in light of ETERNITY? Are we ready to meet our maker?

Living in Light of Eternity


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

What is the Gospel?

 Religion says that you should trust in what you do as a good moral person. The gospel says that you should trust in the perfectly sinless life of Jesus because He alone is the only good and truly moral person who will ever live.

Religion ends in either pride (because I think I am better than other people) or despair (because I continually fall short of God’s commands). The gospel ends in humble and confident joy because of the power of Jesus at work for me, in me, through me, and sometimes in spite of me.

Listen closely, I have good news to tell you. There is hope. Together let’s understand this light which came down for you.
John 1: 14The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
This Jesus, who brings with him all the light and life you’ll ever need, he came. He’s the One and the Only, there is no other. He is the one you’ve been waiting for. And he comes, not bringing with him laws and rules and do’s and don’t's.

He comes full of grace. That means there’s forgiveness with him. There are second chances with him. He brings power and strength with him. He brings unmerited favor with him. If you can deserve grace, then it wouldn’t be called grace now would it? He didn’t come with things we have to earn or deserve. He came with grace- gifts that we can never earn but he wants to give freely anyway. That’s the good news.

He also comes full of truth. So whatever lies the enemy has placed in your mind about Jesus or his father, he came to dispel that. Whatever lies the enemy has tried to fool you into thinking about yourself or the way God sees you, he came to dispel as well. 

My prayer is that this blog will be full of truth for you.  And you’d be set free from wrong thinking the way we were recently 

(I’ll tell you my story somewhere along the way).

The Good News is Grace. The Good News is Truth. The Good News is Jesus. And Jesus is Here. And everything will never be the same.

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