
Sacred Ordinary - I finally found a way to explain what it means to me: "It is forged in the daily and tempered in the ordinary. It is a slow and steady and deliberate gathering of the years. It is a combination of keen attentiveness—to God, to self, to others, to life—and holy indifference—to trifles, to insults, to useless distractions. It is planned, not in some goose-stepping mechanical way, but in the sense that it builds on a resolve to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of you, and to take every though captive and make it obedient to Christ."
- Stephen A. Macchia

2016 I have chosen to live in light of ETERNITY. "He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." Matthew 10:39 KJV I want my little life that I have been given to be a testimony for the blood that was shed for me on Calvary's cross.

This year and for the years to come, it is about surrendering to God and giving my family and those I meet along the way, JESUS! I am going to let my light shine. LIFE is SHORT! We do not know when we will die. Each day we need to make the most of the time that we have, for it may be our last. AS FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST, all of us should live each moment in light of eternity.

The decisions we make in this life determine where and how we will spend the next. We should, therefore, make certain that the right decisions are made.

The final states are fixed, there is no second chance. Finally, we should have heaven constantly on our mind so as to have an impact in this world. (Especially our family)

I want to leave an Eternal Legacy. Living in light of Eternity causes us to focus on what is truly important. It is not about the furniture we own, the clothes we wear, the places we want to travel or even the church we attend. IT IS ALL ABOUT SOULS and if they KNOW JESUS PERSONALLY.

Lord, remind us just how brief our time here on earth will be. Our days are numbered, our life is fleeting. Each of us is just a vapor, a breath. Are we living in light of ETERNITY? Are we ready to meet our maker?

Living in Light of Eternity


Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Calling All Prayer Warriors

by | Sep 4, 2015 | Artisans Stories, In The News | 2 comments

Verse2 (2)

Dear Friends of Vi Bella

We are asking you to join us in prayer today for our artisans and their communities in Haiti. They are experiencing political unrest that has resulted in volatile and at times violent demonstrations.
These events have caused situations that prevent our artisans from traveling safely to our centers to work and the demonstrations also keep people from being able to go to market to get food and water. This is a country where most cannot stock up on food in pantries and refrigerators in their homes, but need to get fresh food every few days. In addition, they do not have ready access to clean drinking water. Please join us in praying for a peaceful resolution to the current conflict that is affecting our artisans and for safety and provision for God’s dearly loved children living there. It is only with God’s help that real positive change will come about. He is our strength. Our God is mighty to save.
As I have been praying about this situation this morning, the above Bible passage came to mind. I wanted to share it with you here and ask you all to pray mightily alongside us for peace, protection, and provision for the communities, families, artisans and children in Haiti that we dearly love.

Trusting in Him,

 Julie Hulstein

 Founder and CEO
Vi Bella Jewelry


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